Sunday, June 16, 2019

Top Youtube channels to learn Django in 2019

Django is the defacto web programming framework for the python programming language. Python has seen growth in strength over the years with massive adoption in machine learning and data science applications. Python is easy to learn with straight forward syntax, you don't really carry much baggage with you. You can think something up and write the python code for a simple calculation in the most human readable format. Statistics showing use of programming languages on stackoverflow and github year on year have show that python is on the rise. Unlike programming languages like php which can boast of a ton of framework(thousands if I am correct), python has only a handful but very mature ones. They are all geared towards different applications and uses e.g django, flask, bottle, pyramid and so on. I have used each of these at one point or the other and they sure have different philosophies. The top two frameworks in python are django and flask. Django been the mature all-batteries included framework while flask is a micro framework. Each shines in different areas. Django is used at a host of popular companies like instagram, pinterest and so on. You are in good hands. To a great degree learners can be split along two line: Video binchers and bookworms. You can dive into the django documentation which is very concise( the best documentation ever in my opinion) but sometimes it is also cool to watch tutorials and see how certain problems are solved, or just follow through to have a couple of apps in the portfolio.

Here is my 2019 list of Django Top Youtube channels

Mike Hibbert
I really like this guy, I see he has stopped posting video. Mike please come back.

Just Django
The author of this channel is in Pretoria, South Africa. There are badass all over the world. I really like his channel because he takes a holistic approach adding other tools like react for frontend web development to show how real apps are built.

Man, this guy knows everything. He has like 3000 videos on youtube and has since stopped posting videos. Checkout his django and python youtube tutorials.

Corey Schafer
I like this guy because he has a really nice python tutorial and I believe his django videos will be really cool as well

I watched this django tutorial series while learning django as well. Really cool.
Honorable mention:
Samuel Adewole
I have a python tutorial I am currently putting together. If you find this list helpful, subscribe to my youtube I will be posting django videos in the future.

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