Thursday, October 15, 2015

Orbi for iphone and ipad

Except you have been living under a rock by now you would have heard of  orbi app- the app based on 9 secs audio messages. Call it vine for audio, twitter for audio or instagram for audio or whatever you like but this beautifully designed app has been making the rounds in many quarters. After using the android app for a while you would start to wonder what is better than having this dope app on android. You want to guess? Having the app on the iphone, ipad and android at the same time of course. The app has now been officially launced on ipad and iphone. If you have been under the rock now is the time to come out and breathe in some fresh air. Coming straight out of Nigeria is this app that promises to shake everything. Let's go there. There is also the web version. Download the android app from the direct download link.

Below are screenshot from the ios app.

Vist Orbi for more info


Disqus for fixitsammie